5094 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal
Long Beach, CA 90815

Tel: 562-597-3100
Fax: 562-597-5055

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, your vision is very important but it is only part of why we examine your eyes. Your eye health is just as, or sometimes, more important. There are textbooks full of eye diseases that can be potentially vision-threatening, and some of these diseases don’t have any symptoms. Glaucoma is at the top of that list. The only way to detect these conditions is by performing a dilated eye exam to look at all of the structures in your eyes. Also, there are many diseases that affect your general health and can cause problems in your eyes. Diabetes and hypertension are good examples.

Cataracts are a clouding of the lenses inside your eyes that occurs naturally with age.  Cataracts usually start in the early 60’s and slowly become worse to the point where your vision becomes noticeably blurred.  Fortunately though, cataract surgery can safely fix your vision.  Surgery involves removing your cloudy lenses and replacing them with clear synthetic lenses.  Once your cataracts are removed, they never recur. Please see our cataracts page for more information.

To determine if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK, we would have to perform a complete eye exam with a refraction and dilated exam. Once we have this information and your medical history, we can further discuss if LASIK is right for you. By the way, most insurances do not cover LASIK, since it is considered an elective procedure. Please see our LASIK page for more information.

We typically recommend that an infant have their first eye exam by a pediatric ophthalmologist within the first six months of age. If all is deemed normal at that time, another exam should be performed at age 3 and then again prior to the child entering their first year of kindergarten or first grade. Eye health is too important to ignore and with a couple of appointments within the first few years of the child’s life, any potential issues can be recognized and your child can start life with the healthiest eyes possible. During a child’s school years, we recommend an eye exam every year, even if they don’t have any apparent vision problems. Myopia, or nearsightedness, can quietly start without the child realizing it. The earlier we diagnose and treat myopia, the better their long term prognosis. We recommend seeing myopic children, or those at risk to develop myopia, every 6 months. Of course if they are already wearing glasses or contacts, they should be seen at least once a year. At Hertzog Eye Care, we see children starting at 7 years old.
Yes. Please bring a photo I.D. and your health insurance card(s). This information will help us identify you in our system; or, if you are a new patient, we will quickly verify your insurance (if necessary) and create a new account for you so you can receive the best care possible. Please bring your glasses and/or contact lenses and written prescriptions, if you have them; and, please bring a list of your current medications. Finally, if you were referred to Hertzog Eye Care by another doctor, please bring that doctor’s information so that we may follow up with them regarding your eye health, and acquire any necessary paperwork with respect to your medical history.
For new patients at Hertzog Eye Care, of course we will require you to fill out a few forms (as you do at all doctors’ offices) when you check in. Typically these forms do not take longer than 5 to 10 minutes to fill out, and if you have any questions while you are filling out the forms, our friendly staff will be available to assist you.

For a comprehensive eye exam at Hertzog Eye Care, you should expect to be at our office for about an hour from your appointment time. For other treatments or for a glasses or contact lenses exam, an appointment may only take 30 to 45 minutes to complete. We always strive to make our appointments as quick as possible for our patients, and to avoid having such a packed schedule that patients have to wait. Keep in mind that, unlike many ophthalmology offices, we do accept patients on an emergency basis. These patients include our current patients, new patients, or patients referred from one of several local urgent care clinics. If it is a problem that has to be looked at on the same day, we will work that patient into our schedule, and that may set us behind in our schedule. Keep in mind that if it was your eye emergency, we wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for you. To schedule an appointment, click here.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a vision condition where an individual can see close images, but struggles to see images in the distance. Most people first notice that they are nearsighted when their distance vision is blurry in the classroom, or when they drive at night. Typically, myopia can be ‘corrected’ with glasses or contacts, but they do not stop myopia from getting worse. Children are especially at risk for progression as the younger they develop myopia, the higher their risk for developing severe myopia into adulthood. With increased myopia comes an increased risk of several sight-threatening eye diseases later in life, including: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachments, and myopic degeneration. For this reason, most experts consider myopia, itself, as a disease.

Most people with myopia will have stabilized by around age 19-20 yo. Once stabilized, LASIK surgery can be an excellent option to correct myopia. If you believe you are nearsighted, please give us a call and we’ll give you some options on how to correct it.

Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a vision condition where an individual generally has functional distance vision, but has difficulty with their near vision. Depending on the degree, uncorrected hyperopia can lead to eyestrain, headaches, and aching eyes at both distance and near. Hyperopia can usually be corrected very well with glasses and contacts, and with LASIK, within certain parameters. Contact Hertzog Eye Care to determine the best course of action if you believe you have hyperopia.

Presbyopia is a normal aging condition of the eye in which the crystalline lens loses its flexibility. This, in turn, makes it difficult for you to perform near tasks, like reading, using your cell phone, and using the computer. Presbyopia may seem to occur overnight, but the actual loss of flexibility takes place slowly over several of years, starting around the age of 40. Presbyopia is correctable with glasses and contacts for most people, so please contact us if you feel that these near vision problems are happening to you.

These terms refer to any condition that makes the eyes red and inflamed. The causes of pink eye are many, but the most common cause is generally a bacterial or viral infection. Other causes are allergies, dry eyes, and chemical irritants. To treat a pink eye, we must first determine the cause, so the sooner you have your eyes examined, the better. Bottom line: If you have a pink eye that doesn’t resolve within a few hours, especially if a decrease in vision occurs, call us at 562-597-3100.

Dry Eye Syndrome is a condition where the eyes produce too few tears and/or the tears evaporate too quickly.  Symptoms include, redness, scratchiness, burning/stinging, blurred or fluctuating vision, and excess tearing. Excess tearing seems couterintuitive, but it can be an overcompensating reflex to dryness. The tears that your eyes produce are made up of 3 layers that work together to protect your eyes.  Causes of dry eyes include: autoimmune conditions, medications, aging, dry/hot weather, moving air, reading or using the computer, amongst many others.  These can combine to throw off the balance of your tears, and cause your tears to evaporate more quickly than your eyes can produce tears, resulting in dry eye symptoms. Please see our dry eye syndrome page for more information.